Top Favorit Motif Batik di Denpasar dan Bali
Batik is growing rapidly in Bali. It often becomes a recommended traditional fabric to wear when a big and important ceremony. Batik Bali has different characteristics and motifs so that it is very unique. To detect the real Batik Bali, you can reveal it.
History of Batik Bali
Batik Bali started in 1970 and pioneered by Pande Ketut Krisna from Banjar Tegeha, Gianyar, Bali. Ketut Krisna applied a printing batik technique with a manual weaving tool or called to be ATBM on the fabric. The batik cloth is closely related to Balinese society for some custom ceremonies and religious rituals. The batik cloth is commonly used to bond on the part of the back or headband.
The Characteristics of Batik Bali Motifs
All batik motifs and types in Indonesia have distinct characteristics to differentiate the region batik to the others. It is important to know some motifs of Batik Bali to reveal. You can find the real Batik Bali and Batik Denpasar to be your souvenir. Here is the list of the typical characteristics of Batik in Bali.
- It has unique patterns and motifs of batik
- The motifs of Batik Bali is from Bali nature themes such as Cambodian, Hibiscus, bird motifs, fish motifs, and a description of Balinese in daily life. You will see it on the batik Bali.
- The pattern or cultural motifs are like the Ngaben ceremony or religion in Bali.
- The motifs or mythology from magical creatures such as Barong, Buto, Kala, and Winged Lion.
- The accents of Batik Bali are unique. Every motif and pattern from Batik Bali will not be the same as the others.
- Types of Batik Bali clothes become the other differences. Motifs and patterns of Batik Bali use a different fabric by using a motif and patterns of batik from the other areas in which it is the weight of the cloth.
- The combination of traditional and modern motifs is closely related. It has two motifs. You can call it like a typical motif and pattern of Bali Island like a turtle, dragon, deer, and heron. Besides, Batik Bali also has a special aroma coming from the natural coloring material to use.
Four Three Motifs of Batik in Bali
Batik Bali has some favorite motifs of Batik that you should be brought home. What are they?
Buketan Motif
The name of the motif is from French. This motif has a detail of flower plants or small plants composed on the width of fabric with some accessories details such as butterflies, hong bird, heron, and some others. It increases the artistic value of the batik motif.
Bali Pisan Motif
This motif is inspired by the engraving of stones in Javanese temples in the 9th century. This batik is usually given to a sweetheart to go far to make the sweetheart come back. The meaning of this motif is hope, pray, and safety.
A Balinese Dancer Motif
The last favorite motif of batik is a Balinese dancer very identical to Bali Island. There are many special dances in Bali Islands in dance, ritual, culture, and ceremonies. The makers of batik introduces those dances through batik motifs.
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