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The Kinds of Souvenirs that You Should Buy in Bali

Dewata Island or known as Bali is one of the favorite destinations for tourists to have their beautiful vacation. Denpasar is the capital city of Bali, a place that captivates the heart of the tourists, both foreign and local. Therefore, they often feel sorry if they don’t visit and spend their vacations there. And there are so many […]


About Batik Bali

Batik is one of the Indonesian cultural heritages which is very popular up to foreign countries. And until now, Batik still to be the first choice to wear in a formal event. Batik is commonly to wear in any formal events and sometimes you can wear Batik in your workplace or when you want it then you can […]



Who doesn’t know with Batik? Batik is one of the arts that come from Indonesia. Batik is very famous and popular in every country. Batik can be found in various regions such as Pekalongan, Solo, Yogyakarta, and Bali. Each region has different Batik characteristics. Below we will discuss the characteristics of Batik Denpasar. 1. Using Different […]
