Tag Archives: batik bali

Tools, Materials, and Process of Written Batik for Those of You Who are Interested in Written Batik

As one of the most popular and popular Indonesian cultures, batik, especially handmade or written batik, is known for its cultural products at high prices. This is caused by the way of making it tends to be complicated and take a long time, and the final product that seems luxurious and exclusive. If you see […]


The Meaning of Various Style Motifs on Bali Batik

The motifs on Balinese batik are usually inspired by nature and culture in Bali. However, sometimes there are also elements of natural culture from outside Bali. Some areas that are usually combined with Balinese culture on Balinese batik are the regions of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, and several other regions. Until now, the motifs […]


Here Is the Unique Character of Balinese Batik That Makes it Different from Other Batik

Batik is indeed one of the world’s cultural heritage that originated from Indonesia. Almost every region in Indonesia has batik with patterns and characteristics of each region where it is made. One of them is batik on the island of Bali. Although batik is more famous in Java, batik in Bali itself is no less […]


The Uniqueness Of Balinese Batik Which Is Always Liked By Tourists

Bali which is famous for its beautiful beaches also has a distinctive culture and is always preserved, namely Batik Bali. The batik industry on this island began in 1970. In general, the technique used in making typical Balinese batik fabrics is using manual weaving tools. Natives of the island of Bali often use batik clothes […]



Batik has become a senior who is proud of it by the Indonesian people. Batik cloth with various types of motifs and also unique motifs has a unique manufacturing process and also has a variety of special meanings. We have commemorated the moment of world acceptance of Indonesian senior Batik class every October 2 in […]



Traveling by playing to the beach or the mall we used to do. Well, try to find other alternative tourism so that the holidays do not feel bored, for example holidays with educational tours so that during the holidays can make tourism more useful. One of the tourist activities that you can try is learning […]
