
Bali which is famous for its beautiful beaches also has a distinctive culture and is always preserved, namely Batik Bali. The batik industry on this island began in 1970. In general, the technique used in making typical Balinese batik fabrics is using manual weaving tools. Natives of the island of Bali often use batik clothes for various processes of traditional ceremonies and religious rituals that take place. This indirectly helped encourage the batik industry that is there to become increasingly developed very rapidly. Balinese batik, which is well-known to the public at present, features a variety of styles and combines various patterns such as Bali-Papua, Bali-Pekalongan, and others.

How To Distinguish Originating Batik from Bali

When you visit Bali and look for Batik Denpasar, you should know in advance about the characteristics contained therein. Usually, the accent in each picture of the batik cloth is not the same size. Especially for Balinese Batik, although the patterns shown tend to be the same, the forms between motifs are not always exact or asymmetrical. Some parts are deliberately formed smaller or larger than other forms of motifs as one of the main motifs of the batik cloth. Also, Mori cloth which is also used in conjunction with batik cloth is usually heavier than Mori for other types of batik cloth.

If you are looking for batik, the pattern is usually the same, but the shape is never exactly the same. What makes the original Balinese Batik different from other batik is the distinctive aroma produced from the cloth. This aroma comes from natural coloring ingredients used during the manufacturing process. The natural dyes are taken from bark and various other ingredients. For those of you who want to learn how to make batik, in Bali, many Batik Class have been opened by the local community.

Get To Know The Motifs Of Balinese Batik

Batik Bali is known to have a variety of original designs, patterns, and motifs. Its development is not infrequently influenced by Chinese motifs. For the price of a piece of Batik, Batik cloth is very varied, not infrequently you will find a fairly high price. The quality fabric quality and directly drawn by hand and the use of natural dyes is something that makes Batik Bali always popular today. Various kinds of Balinese Batik motifs are Buketan Batik motifs, Singa Barong Balinese Batik motifs, Abyorhokokai Bali Peacock motifs, Balinese Dancer Balinese Batik motifs, Jagatan Banana Balinese motifs, and Bali Ulumsari Mas Batik motifs.

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