6 Balinese Batik motifs that are loved by tourists

Because of the high interest of tourists in the Batik Bali, the development of batik is increasingly showing a very significant increase. This is certainly a positive thing for the people of Bali because it will indirectly improve their economy. Nowadays Bali is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. So that requires its citizens to always think creatively so that tourists feel at home and always want to visit Bali.

Batik Bali currently has several motifs that show the local wisdom of the Balinese people. One of them is giving an accent that is not as big as one another on a batik cloth. Also, the combination of indigenous Balinese culture with cultures outside of the island of Bali plays an important role in the beauty and uniqueness of Batik Bali. Here are some of the motifs that are favored by tourists in Bali.

Balinese batik motif Singa Barong

Singa Barong motif is one of the motifs that are very popular with tourists because it is a depiction of Balinese culture. This motif indirectly demonstrates the diversity of Balinese culture and plays an important role in preserving Balinese culture. The more tourists who buy this batik motif, the Balinese culture will be increasingly known to the wider community and will always be remembered by future generations.

Pisan motif Balinese batik

The name Pisan is taken from stone carvings found in Javanese temples in the 9th century. Not infrequently many people who call this motif with a banana motif because it describes the banana Bali that has been distilled.

Batik Bali Ulamsari Mas

The main style of this one batik motif featuring fish and shrimp. This motif illustrates the richness of the sea in Bali. Indirectly, people not only consider Bali as a vacation destination but also as a province that has abundant natural resources.

Abyorhokokai Peacock Batik motif

Ready people would already know the beauty of peacocks. This is what Batik Bali craftsmen try to illustrate, namely the beauty of a peacock as the main pattern on the fabric with a blend of petals that resemble cherry blossoms. As the name implies, this one motive is also influenced by Japanese culture.

Balinese Batik motif of Buketan

The name Buketan is taken from French, which means flower divider. Some flower plants and small plants adorn this beautiful batik motif. Also, you will see some additional decoration in the form of butterflies and various types of birds that add artistic value to this beautiful batik cloth.

Balinese Batik motif of Balinese Dancers

Anyone would know that Bali is very synonymous with dance and dancers. Everyone will be amazed to see a unique Balinese dance. This Batik Bali motif depicts some female dancers who are performing Balinese dance movements.

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