All You Need to Know About Batik
Batik has a lot of various patterns and models that you can wear in various events. This Indonesia’s cultural heritage is also popular in other countries. Many popular and influencing figures had worn Batik. For example, Kate Middleton, Nelson Mandela, Jessica Alba, Heidi Klum, and some others. Korean figures such as Suzy had also worn this Indonesia traditional fabric. Along with its growing popularity, here are the things that you need to know about Batik.
It Needs 3 Years to be Recognized by UNESCO
Many people know that Batik is officially designated as Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in October 2nd, 2009. But not many people know that it requires 3 years for Batik to be recognized by UNESCO. It means that Indonesia struggled for 3 years to get claims and recognition rights to make Batik as their official national heritage. 6 UNESCO representative countries also helped Indonesia by submitting verification. This is why Indonesian people should be proud wearing Batik.
Fasting Before Making Batik
Today, Batik can be made by using a printing process and other modern processes. But back then, when Batik was only made manually and traditionally, there is an interesting thing that not many people know. Javanese people believed that prayers can be offered through wax strokes on a cloth. This is why most Batik creators and artisans fasting and stated their certain prayers first before making Batik. This is also the reason why Batik is considered to be sacred at that time.
A Sheet of Handmade Batik Can be Made for Years
Nowadays, the making process of Batik has been developed. Besides handmade, Batik can also be made by printing or stamping. However, handmade Batik is the most expensive due to its manual making process which needs quite a long time, even years. While printed Batik is the most affordable one because it is made by printing Batik patterns on a cloth.
A Favorite of Many World’s Figures
There are many world’s leader who wore Batik on various occasions. For instance, Vladimir Putin, Nelson Mandela, and Ronald Reagen. Even when the deceased Nelson Mandela was buried, he was dressed with his favorite Batik.
Joining a Batik class is a great idea for you who want to learn about Batik. In the class, you can learn to make various patterns of Batik such as Batik Bali that is often sold as souvenirs Denpasar.
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