Precious Batik Bali
Batik is a precious textile and if you practice good care for your batik, you can prolong the wear and look from your batik into years. Here is a simple guide you can use when you have batik bali in the wardrobe.
Care your Batik Bali
- Cold wash. Clean your batik with a cold wash and gentle soap. For dry, hang batik and never wring the batik as it can damage your batik cloth. Handmade batik is tending to fade when washed but does not worry because it can add a vintage feel. Don’t ever use the washing machine and detergent.
- Keep away from direct light when you store or dry after wash. Put it in a shady place to keep the color.
- Storage for batik. Batik cloth is not mean to wear every day. Folding handmade batik can create cracks in the patterns.
- Avoid ironing directly. Spray batik with water and layer over the batik fabric before ironing with another fabric.
Batik Bali Motifs
Batik is genuinely made originally from Indonesia. Mostly batik motifs inspired from nature such as leaves, trees, flowers, fish, insects, twinning plants, birds and butterflies and also the geometric patterns that rich with symbolization and variety. Batik in Bali has prestige value. The hand made and high-class batik shows a higher status or class. Here are batik Bali motifs and means behind the motifs.
- Batik Ulamsari Mas. This is one of the most popular Bali motifs. The motifs include shrimp and fish draw that represent most of the Balinese people’s livelihood, as a fisherman. This motif behind means the prosperity of society that lives around the beach.
- Batik Pisan Bali. This is batik motifs that perfect for those who have a couple. This Batik Pisan mostly send as gifts for the couple that will travel as pray and hopes that their couple will back again in life.
- Buketan batik Bali motifs. This is batik that influenced by French culture from words Bouquet that means flower arrangement. This Bali batik motif represented with flowers and plants. Sometimes it also added with birds or butterflies as decoration in the motifs.
- Singa barong motifs. As the name, it represents the myth creature in Bali barong that believed by Balinese people symbol of power, magic, and courage.
- Bali dancer motif. The next motif is Bali dancer motifs that as its name represent the traditional Bali dancer. These motifs represent a dancer that shows a move from traditional dancing.
- Batik Abyorhokokai peacock. This is batik motifs that represent the beauty of the Abyorhokokai peacock bird.