The History of Batik

As we all know that Batik is the original Indonesian textiles. Generally, motifs of Indonesian batik are linked closely to nature such as flowers, leaves, twining plants, birds, butterflies, fishes and et cetera. When you are living in Indonesia it is impossible to not be exposed to Batik. When you are in Java you will surely be exposed to Javanese Batik. Meanwhile if you are lived in Bali, then you will be exposed to Batik Bali. Therefore, no matter where you live, you will be always exposed to Batik. 

Actually, batik is originated from the word ‘ambatik’ that have a meaning of ‘a cloth that have littles dots’. The tick here means little dots, point, or to create dots. However, many people also said that it is possible that Batik is originally from the Javanese word ‘tritik’ or ‘titik’ that pinpoints the preventing procedure of dying in which the motifs are composed on the textiles by confining and then sewing spaces preceding to dying which is similar to tie dye methods. 

Furthermore, to create a Batik Bali or any other Batik the motifs that are to be dyed in to the fabric are drawn with a canting. Canting here is a wooden pen that could be filled with hot liquid wax. Commonly, in Batik workshop or Batik class women are sitting in circles working through their clothes that are draped over the frames and regularly refill their stock of wax by plunging their canting in to the centre tub. Some of those women draw the pattern based on their memory, meanwhile some of them draw over the premade patterns.  

Additionally, Batik has its own pride and prestige. When Balinese are worn hand made (batik tulis) batik or they also claim it as a high class Batik Bali, it could determine their social status. Moreover, Batik Bali has stunning designs where they are shaped by religious mythologies to daily life. But still, batik is originally inspired by Javanese motifs  which are predominantly dominated by nature and mythological creatures. Today though, many of modern batik artists express their creation through numerous subjects. 

Nowadays, Batik Bali is not only to be worn when there is traditional or ritual activities in Bali. There is no limitation in wearing Batik in Bali. Furthermore, many designers have promoted Batik Bali as an elegant fabric that is definitely could be worn everyday as a casual or formal clothes. In the form of motifs, Batik Bali also become richer than before because it improves just from objects of nature such as flowers, birds, fishes to some of daily activities in Bali such as Ngaben or cremation, and some of the tourist attractions in Bali. 

happy wheels demo

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