Unique Facts About Batik Bali That You Should Know

Do you already know about batik Bali? Balinese batik is a work of art originating from the creativity of the Balinese people. At first Balinese batik was still used in limited ways, for example only for traditional ceremonies, or maybe during religious celebrations. You must have seen when visitors or tourists come to the temple in Bali, and they have to use batik cloth or wearing a binder on the head, now that is some type of use of batik cloth that is generally available in Bali. But apparently in line with the times and fashions, batik cloth belonging to Bali also experienced a very happy development. For example, Bali Souvenirs use is not only limited to official or sacred events but has been seen as one of the social heritage of the Balinese people. In fact, Bali batik is one of the favorite souvenirs offered to tourists, both local tourists and those from other countries.

Here are some unique facts about the Balinese batik that you should know!

Has a unique anti-mainstream style

The first fact is that it turns out that the Balinese batik class does not have a pattern of the same size. Hearing this you must be astonished and wonder, why is it like that? The answer is because it is the hallmark of Balinese batik is wanting freedom in creativity and thinking, which is not limited by similar patterns. That’s why if you find Bali batik, many have a series of patterns such as abstract which are unique and beautiful.

Blending modern and traditional in the same motif

Another uniqueness of Batik Denpasar is how the community is very creative in making a blend of motifs and patterns. Not only carrying the traditional theme but also has penetrated by matching the local patterns of the Balinese people, with modern patterns. This then produces many fresh ideas in the art of batik in society. There is no restricted work, and this has a very good impact on people’s enthusiasm for finding matching unique, beautiful, and very distinctive patterns.

This combination can be from a combination of patterns, then colors, to several motifs which are then adjusted, and form a new motif.

Now that’s some interesting info about the uniqueness of Balinese batik. If you take a walk to Bali, bringing Bali batik as a Souvenirs Denpasar is a must because you will not find the same beautiful pattern!

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