Batik Bali
Where are you going to spend your holiday? If you are planning to spend your holiday in Bali, you should consider visiting Tohpati village. It is the heart of the artistic batik Bali. This village is located about 12 km from Sanur. In this place you could buy batik and other accessories as your souvenir. Furthermore, you could also see the process of how batik Bali is made. It is not an easy thing to be able to see the process of it, but because you are visiting the central of it, you will get the chance to see it on your own and enjoy the experience.
What is batik?
First thing first before you get to see the process of making batik, you should know what batik is. Batik is a conventional way of painting on a fabric or cloth. To make a pattern for batik Bali they will make dots and lines of wax. Batik is extremely unique art. In order to make this art you need a great amount of patience and skills. Do you know that the word batik means? It means drawing with wax. Moreover, the methods that are used for making batik are already a thousand years old. It is supported with the evidence that this art is already appeared in Africa, Asia and the Middle East during the first centuries.
How to make Batik Bali
This gorgeous batik Bali is a piece of art that made by applying outlines of different colors to fabric and then dye it through several phases and by applying wax after every step to shelter spots of unnecessary color. To make this beautiful piece of art needs a long and tiring process, especially when you are making a large piece of batik. Therefore, this batik could be so expensive in price, but it will be worth it because you will get the piece of batik that is high class and attractive and it can emphasize your social status. Do you know that batik tulis or written batik will have the bright color on both sides because the wax is used on each of it. Meanwhile batik stamp will have the fainter color in the middle because the wax is only used on to one side. If you are interested in seeing the artists creating the batik Bali you should visit Tohpati village and enjoy the thrill of being able to see them creating a beautiful piece of batik.
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